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Benson Properties - 5br/2ba - 302WsN - Avail 6/1/2026 - No Pets
Price: $2925 / month

Listing Information
*** AVAILABLE JUNE 1, 2026 ***
Fiber internet included with rent (1 GIG x 1 GIG). Newer 2 story house built in 2006, 2-3 FREE off-street parking spots, large bedrooms with mirrored bedroom closets and closet organizers, ceramic tile in kitchen and bathrooms, laminate flooring in the living room, ceiling fans, coin-op washer/dryer on 2nd floor, bedrooms keyed separately, second living area upstairs, 2 bathrooms, A/C unit on first floor, typically one of the first houses to rent!
Pet Policy: Cats not allowed, Dogs not allowed
Call 608-782-3776 or e-mail info@bensonmanagement.com
"Say you saw it on: www.studentrentalslacrosse.com"
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