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JAMAR Properties - 1br/1ba - 210WsN - Avail 6/1/2025 - No Pets
Price: $950 / month

Listing Information
*** AVAILABLE JUNE 1, 2025 ***
208-210-212 West Ave N. Multi-unit building. 1 Bed apt very close to UW-L.
Top 5 reasons to be renting at 212 West Ave N.
- Location - 2 blocks to UW-L campus, 3 blocks to Kwik Trip, Across the street from Moka, Taco Bell and Senor Villa
- Affordability - Reasonable energy bills, reasonable off-street parking reasonable on-site laundry.
- Budget Conscious - No first and last months rent requirement. Security deposit when lease is signed and first months rent upon move-in.
- Security - Secured building, double lock bike garage and 6 camera security system
JAMAR PROPERTIES - Not a fancy name but you will remember when it comes time to reasonable, super clean apartments that feel like home.
Call 608-386-8708 or e-mail mscheel@c21affiliated.com. You can view the exact location on the map below.
"Say you saw it on: www.studentrentalslacrosse.com"
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