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Benson Properties - 3br/1ba - 50912N - Avail 6/1/2026 - No Pets
Price: $1830 / month

Listing Information
*** AVAILABLE JUNE 1, 2026 ***
Fiber internet included with rent (1 GIG x 1 GIG). NEWER building that was built for occupancy in September 2015, 3 bedroom modern units, secure building access, marble bathroom sink tops, large bedrooms, air conditioning, stainless steel appliances, prairie style windows and mirrored closet bedroom doors with monitored off-street assigned parking, next door to Howie's
Pet Policy: Cats not allowed, Dogs not allowed
Call 608-782-3776 or e-mail info@bensonmanagement.com
"Say you saw it on: www.studentrentalslacrosse.com"
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