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Pedace Properties - 2br/1ba - 22922S - AVAILABLE FOR 2ND SEMESTER 2026 - No Pets
Price: $1200 / month

Listing Information
*** AVAILABLE JUNE 1, 2026 *** RENTED FOR '25-'26 SCHOOL YEAR! 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom. Entire lower level of south-side La Crosse home. Located in a quiet and beautiful neighborhood less than 1 mile from UW-L, Rent includes heat, Air, electric, water, garbage removal, lawn care. Does Not include internet, cable, etc. Amenities included: central air, central heat, deck, dishwasher, hardwood floors, updated kitchen, updated bathroom, washer dryer. Nice deck and back yard to enjoy. Off street parking spot. No Smoking property. No Pets. Security deposit required. Maximum residents 3 people. Call 608-792-6300 or e-mail decalzone@aol.com "Say you saw it on: www.studentrentalslacrosse.com"
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