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Sawyer Properties - 3br/1ba - 73010N - Avail 6/1/2025 - No Pets
Price: $1695 / month

Listing Information
*** AVAILABLE JUNE 1, 2025 ***
On the corner of 10th & Zeisler. Located north of La Crosse Street, Grove Street Neighborhood. Modern, spacious, clean apartment. Building has a secured entry system and all bedrooms have large walk-in closets. Each apartment has a bonus storage unit in the building and washer/dryer in the apartment. Apartments have split bathrooms with double sink vanities.
Call 608-386-6670 or e-mail brettrsawyer@gmail.com. You can view the exact location on the map below.
"Say you saw it on: www.studentrentalslacrosse.com"
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